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UCW has an optional authentication system built-in and enabled by .env variables. If AUTHENTICATION_ENABLE=true and the other required variables are provided, then all express endpoints defined after the useAuthentication call will require a Bearer token and optionally a set of scopes. This system requires that you have an authorization system, such as Auth0. If you need more control over your authentication, then you may fork the repository and implement your own.

When authentication is enabled, the /widget endpoint will require authorization.

Token endpoint

UCW provides a token endpoint (/api/token) that can be used to retrieve a one-time-use token that can then be passed into the widget url for use in an iframe. When this is used the server will set an authorization cookie that the widget UI will pass to the server for all of its requests.

Variables for our optional authentication are found here


The following sections describe the UCW Server endpoints that are not associated with a connection, and should be authenticated separately from the connection endpoints.

Data Endpoints and Authentication

We have an optional set of data endpoints that can be used to retrieve data from the aggregators. They are turned off by default. These endpoints need to be well-protected. Using these endpoints gets you access to the data for any user that has made a connection. We recommend that users don't have direct access to these endpoints. They should be machine-to-machine authenticated, and they should have a layer of authentication around them that ensures they are called with user ids that the user should have access to.

Information about the environment variables related to the data endpoints can be found here.

"Delete User" Endpoint and Authentication

There is an endpoint for deleting a user associated with a connection. Just as with the data endpoints, mentioned above, the delete user endpoint is turned off by default. This endpoint should be well-protected. This should be machine-to-machine authenticated, and should have a layer of authentication around it that ensure that it is called with user ids that the user should have access to.

Information about the environment variables related to the delete user endpoint on can be found here.